Very Seldom Naughty


Tuesday Ramble

I haven't smoked a cigarette in 4 days.

Let's not talk about it, though, okay?

So, the first week of the new year has been good to me so far. I've been to the gym twice, I'm going to yoga tonight, and I've crossed a few things off of my to-do list that have been stressing me out since October.

Saturday, my mom and I will be going to a fancy-pants spa for something called an "Herbal Kur." T got me a gift certificate to said fancy-pants spa for Christmas, and my brother and I split the cost for my mom to join me, as she had an amazingly bad holiday season. I'm hoping that she'll dig it, but I'm afraid that she's too modest to get into strangers rubbing her up. We'll see.

We spent last weekend in Michigan, seeing my old college pals, and touring the old campus. We had a great time, but nothing is the way I remember it. The coolest bar? Dive. The best bakery? Not so much. The charm and character of my college town? More like dirt and grime. It was surprising. Thankfully, the water tower remains unchanged. It's still a giant, stone phallus. Good to know that some things stay the same. I planned to post another photo entry, but I'm too lazy, and my face is too horsey to appear on these pages any longer.

Geez. Those last pictures? Frightening.

. :Before: . | . :After: .