Very Seldom Naughty


Karmic Hairstyle

I'll never learn.

I sneak in a self-deprecating comment on the horsiness of my face, and the universe kicks me in the pants- making me long for the days when that was all that was wrong with my appearance.

I visited my stylist Tuesday evening. I was in desperate need of a haircut and we decided, since she wasn't very busy, to go ahead and do the lowlights that I'd been wanting for a while. Then we decided that we should go ahead and tint my eyebrows, too- to match.

Well, no, we probably shouldn't have done that. I look like Groucho Marx having a bad hair day. She cut the layers too short, and now it's somewhat mullet-ish.

Sigh. I never should have stopped wearing a bob. Oh well, hair grows.


I'm so glad that it's finally Friday. This was my first 5 day work week since Christmas. Now I'm just livin' for Memorial Day.

Not really.

We're having T's paternal relatives over tomorrow for a late holiday gathering. Hopefully I won't make any babies cry with my scary eyebrows, and they'll all leave before 10:30 so I can watch my girlcrush Jennifer Aniston host SNL. She has great hair and eyebrows.


. :Before: . | . :After: .